At the recent OWLS conference, they announced a partnership between the Academy Women eMentor program (it's awesome and free) and the Center for Women Veterans. The leader of the CWV is Dr Betty Moseley Brown - what a firecracker! I didn't know that the VA had an organization set up to address issues specifically for female veterans and it's not new - it was established by law in 1994. The most amazing fact that Dr Brown shared was that the average age for male vets is 64 and the average age for female vets is 49.
I belong to a large, national military association that sends me a monthly magazine. My husband is tired of hearing me rant about it. The magazine is full of ads for retirement communities. It drives me insane. I don't want to learn about investing in properties for "active adults"! I need to figure out how to afford to send my kids to college! I KNOW that all vets are not in their 60s because I am a vet and I AM IN MY 40s and I KNOW that there are others like me. Just typing it makes me rant!
So when Dr Brown said the the average age of female vets is 49, it dawned on me exactly why the magazine bothers me so much. So where is the magazine for vets like me? Hmmmm. Perhaps it is time to start my own :-)
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