Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The No-Prep Tri Plan

My friend Patty invited me to join her at the 2019 Peasant Man Triathlon, "not a race, a charity event" that supports the High Cloud Foundation. The High Cloud Foundation's mission is to provide humanitarian assistance and support to orphanages, foundations and rural schools through educational programs, sports and additional extracurricular activities. The triathlon is unsanctioned (meaning way laid back) and is meant to be a fun way to kick off the outdoor sports season.

I had one small problem - no time to really train! It's partly a lame excuse, and partly true. I had spent most of April wrapped up in OWLS, a spring break trip to New Orleans (those beignets weren't going to eat themselves!), and my son's recent theater production. 

I was too proud to back out, though, and happy to accompany Patty to the event at the beautiful Lake Anna State Park. I decided the goal of the day was completion, not speed. Also: do not drown, crash my bike, or kill myself running. A fast hike would work thank you very much. 

Finish I did, and was able to walk away uninjured. Thankfully they had quite a few folks doing the Olympic distance (take our sprint distance tri, and double it) so I didn't have to feel like the last person across the finish line.

What are the takeaways? For me, fitness needs to be consistent, and I need to kick start (again, sigh) regular exercise. Also for me, don't let those that are uber into whatever you are attempting dissuade you from giving it a shot. There is room in any activity for beginners :-) Now if only they gave medals for procrastination...

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