Monday, November 26, 2018

On Traditions and Flexibility

So I might be doing a little "light" cyber Monday shopping, trying to fill some holes in my Christmas shopping list. On the side I am texting a volunteer battle buddy (it's a thing, I just made it up) to see if we can chat soon, am remembering I better reconfirm with the dog walker, and am wondering if my son has long johns for a sure-to-be-cold weekend camp out. My poor son, our morning drive to school included me telling him the days he needs to find himself a ride home from after school rehearsals. He's amazing though, and rolls with it.

My next two weeks will be pretty busy, including some fun travel, but it's a pretty full schedule, even for me. I know that things will get dropped, and good intentions will go awry. Of course, like most of you, you want it all to go right, right? Same goes for all the holiday stuff - traditions you love (the traditional post date on my Christmas cards is February) and things you have to do (hello, social obligations like work parties :-)) and things you want to do (baking with all the butter) (or is that just me?). As usual, a fave woman seems to post just what I want to hear :-)


Shout out to all the moms who buy a new Christmas ornament for every kid that matches something from that year and who just ordered three per kid for the last three years you forgot. Ben, my freshman, will hang for the first time his "new" ornament that says "7th Grade Rocks." . Listen, I mean to be precious about Christmas traditions but there are just a lot of people who live here. . Related: attempting to be heroes, Brandon and I planned a whole ski trip with our family before Christmas, checked the college kids' schedules to make sure they were free, and booked it all: the flights, the house, the equipment, the lift tickets. Told our kids and awaited our raucous applause at which point Remy said: . "THAT IS OUR WHOLE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL." . The others: . "THAT IS FINALS WEEK!" "I WON'T BE EXEMPT ANYMORE!" "I CAN'T HAVE ANY MORE ABSENCES!" "YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE US FAIL!" . So this Christmas season is going great. Thanks for asking. Parenting is easy. EXCUSE US for not checking all five of your school schedules. We are not calendar experts.
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