Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Just What I Needed

My friend recently posted this on Facebook, and man, it was just what I needed to hear. I've been a bit frustrated at my new, big girl, real world job.  Nothing serious, but the relatively chill work environment I have in my immediate work center has run up against these things called an "employee handbook" and "time cards." Oops.  Who knew the 9-to-5 world can be more of a stickler on time spent at the office than the 24/7 military world? "It's not fair" I want to stamp my foot and say.  Which works about as well as it did when I was a lieutenant :-)  So this is my new mantra...

Classy:  Talked to my boss, listened to his wise counsel.
Sassy: Asked him to talk to his boss, because maybe I can still turn this into a win.
Little Bad Assy: Upped my game -- you can't stay mad at someone that is killing it for the company 

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