Monday, April 6, 2020

Changing Thoughts on Productivity

So way back what felt like a year ago (actually March 18th -- I know you can relate) I put together a happy, chirpy list of awesome things you can do with your time. All the time you would have since you are now working from home. Not commuting through traffic, not tied up in sports or PTA or gym classes or whatever else crammed your calendar. 

Way back on March 18th, this was all doable, a welcome change of pace for a few weeks. Isn't this what we've always thought would be awesome? Now on April 6th, with weeks ahead of us, my happy chirpiness is fading. Days are going by and I am having a hard time figuring out where the time went (or frankly, what day of the week it is). Thankfully, some mindless Facebook scrolling helped me find this: "Stop Trying to Be Productive" from the New York Times.

The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now. 
But staying inside and attending to basic needs is plenty.

Thank you NYT! The people and pets in my house are fed and cared for. I spent some time zoom chatting with family and friends this weekend. The novel, the cleaned out closets, the many other projects? This can wait until I am ready.

PS: Please watch THIS and THIS - you will feel happier and will have accomplished something :-)

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