How did we get here? If I could go back and talk to the Elisabeth of late 1995, the one about to walk down the aisle, what would I say?
1. You chose a smart, capable man. Good job! But that doesn't mean he'll agree with everything you say (and really, sometimes it's better that he doesn't).
2. You will never work harder in your life than you will as a wife and mother. The work never ends, and it's often under appreciated or even unnoticed. But it takes constant work and care to keep your relationship, your kids, and yourself healthy and well.
3. The work you put in to your marriage and being a mother is like money that goes into your retirement's sometimes no fun seeing the payroll deduction, but next thing you know, 20 years will go by, and you'll be impressed at the size and the strength of the account.
Spot on! 18 Dec was 20 for us. 16 yr old who is 6 inches taller and a 14 yr old the same height. I tell anyone my man was the best decision I've made.